The Business of Art Symposium

All day on Saturday, MAY 10, 2025

What is the Business of Art?

The Business of Art builds upon year-round career development curriculum and culminates as an annual symposium of illuminating plenary and professional development sessions for our creative community led by thought leaders and influencers from the field. Marketing and media workshops, business planning, partnerships, legal advice, and mentoring are offered at this multi-partner event, with expert speakers, panelists, and workshop leaders selected both locally and from across California.

The Business of Art provides a platform for those working in our local and regional creative industries to engage in discussions around pressing current, cultural, artistic, and professional issues, with attendees participating in sessions exploring the top trends and challenges in our field.

250 Sierra College Dr, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Multi-Purpose Room (N12)

Saturday, MAY 10, 2024
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST

QUESTIONS?  530-264-7031


The California Arts Council selected 14 districts to serve as California's inaugural state-designated Cultural Districts. Nevada County is home to two of them - Grass Valley-Nevada City and Truckee. Nevada County Arts Council's role, as State-Local Partner with California Arts Council - and ranked by the state among California's top local arts agencies - is to foster cultural development on the local level and to encourage partnerships through which leadership, professional development, information exchange, and technical assistance can be offered to our creative community.