Nevada County Arts Council

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Upstate Creative Corps launches film playlist

We are thrilled to publicly launch our Upstate California Creative Corps Film Playlist. These highlight the creative achievements and economic and social impacts in California’s northernmost rural regions since the program’s launch in late 2022. These films serve as a testament to the unwavering commitment of State-Local Partner agencies to creative economies, innovation, sustainable growth, and underserved communities across Upstate California, as measured through the California Healthy Places Index (HPI)

Upstate California Creative Corps resulted in the creation of 460 jobs, totaling 65,437 workforce hours, reaching 210 zip codes across 19 counties and 47,149 square miles—ensuring that historically underrepresented communities benefited most from public funds investment.

Our film playlist contains one primary film and three shorter thematic films, directed by Riparian Studios, and featuring the stories of 9 of our 80 grantees. Each looks at the work of these grantees through the lens of specific themes that are omnipresent throughout our region: Art and Division, Rural Living, and Systems Thinking