RFP - Development of a Video Series to Celebrate 50 Years of Federal Fisheries Management

The Council Coordination Committee (CCC), on behalf of the eight U.S. regional fishery management councils, is seeking a contractor to develop a series of a minimum of eight short videos and one overview video that tells the story of federal fisheries management through the eyes of those who live it every day. The video series should highlight the past 50 years of fisheries management under the regional council system and present challenges of the next 50 years by featuring stories of each federal fisheries management region told through interviews with fishermen and related industry participants from the eight different regions across the United States.

Proposed Timeline

The Executive Directors of the eight regional councils will select a contractor and develop scope of work and finalized contract by the end of January 2025. This project should be completed no later than December 31, 2025. The CCC will negotiate a specific timeline of deliverables and payment installments with the selected vendor.

How to Apply: Applicants should submit a proposal to the CCC by email at: quotes@gulfcouncil.org by 5:00 PM PST on January 10, 2025. Requests for additional information will also be accepted at this email address.

Proposals should include the following elements to be considered:

Applicant Qualifications: A summary of the qualifications of the applicant and other team members, if applicable.

Work Examples: Up to three examples of other products the contractor has developed.

Proposed Budget/Cost Estimate: A detailed budget, including the identification of any subcontracted work and travel expenses.

Proposed Workplan and Timeline: A detailed timeline and proposed process for working with the CCC project team that shall include opportunities for review and feedback.

Applicant References: Names, titles, full mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers for three clients who have either received similar services from the applicant or who are familiar with the quality of the applicant’s work products.

Michaelyn Logue